• info@greenhabitat.co.bw
  • +267 72 627 209

06 Years of conservation and action against climate change.

About Us

We are inspired by Nature.

Green Habitat Botswana Society is a Natural Climate Solutions NGO that aims to protect the Earth and achieve a sustainable through inclusion, education, research and practical work. It was formed in 2017 by a group of keen youth of Botswana who are passionate about biodiversity conservation and action towards tackling climate change and its impacts in communities we serve. The society started as an idea which was then implemented into different activities which include litter picking, environmental education and tree planting. The success of these activities finally led to the official registration of the organization in year 2018, and ever since the NGO has been growing, yielding good results in environmental issues.
The Environment, Our Office.

Our Work.

Environmental Conversation

The Environmental Assessment Act & the National Forestry policy is the key to environmental & forest management across Botswana.

Youth and Women Empowerment

Documented literature estimate a progressing 820 millions of people will go to bed on empty stomachs globally, while 2 billion doesn’t know where to source the next meal.

Food Security

The growing public awareness of environmental threats was informed by evidence-based research combined with warnings of scientists across the globe.

Research and Awareness

Climate change is one of the major global phenomena which call for the participation of individuals, business enterprises and organisations. GHB joins the rest of the world towards implementing sound strategies that are dedicated to tackle climate change.

Climate Change Action

We establish and implement programs that are aimed at providing crucial information and tailor-made skills to empower everyone especially youth and women from grassroots communities of Bostwana.

Capacity Building

GHB strongly believes in Sustainable Development Goal 17 which encourages different parties to partner towards a common goal. We are dedicated to build capacity in natural resource management to enhance socio-economic development in Botswana.

"Our Vision."

To create socio-economic communities that are committed to promote sustainability of biodiversity & the natural environment.

Our Projects

We are passionate about the work we do.

Mission - Principles - Values

We are Disciplined

Our Mission

Designing and implementing life changing development programs and livelihood schemes that alleviate environmental degradation, climatic change risks and deepening poverty in collaboration with relevant stakeholders so as to ensure holistic sustainable development.

Guiding Principles

  • Utilization of local wisdom and resources.
  • Encouragement of innovation and creativity.
  • Enhancing coordination and networking.
  • Accepting challenges.
  • Prioritizing quality.

    Our Values

    • Honesty
    • Transparency
    • Accountability
    • Mutual Respect
    • Participation
    • Solidarity
    • Creativity
      The Team

      Meet the team that works hard to make it all possible.

      Get In Touch

      We are always eager to listen. Drop us a line.

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